Posts tagged Financial Aid

Finding the Best Resource for Financial Aid Planning

Within our business, we constantly hear concerns from families about their struggles to fund the cost of college. Unfortunately, given the yearly increases to these brutal college prices, this difficulty will not soon go away. As in any difficult situation however, parents can ease their burden by understanding the value that comes from seeki [...]

Financial Aid: Going All In

In today’s world of distractions, parents have the dubious task of trying to focus young people with heads in smart phones, iPad’s and whatever else just came out yesterday. As new technologies evolve, the challenge becomes greater but ultimately it is parents that need to instill character-building qualities in their children. One important [...]

Free Money vs. Loans: Am I Being Tricked?

On a frigid winter day with streets covered in snow and slush, a career as an auto mechanic might not sound appealing. Of course given the specific skill set needed to be an auto mechanic, this career may not appeal to many people even on a 95 degree island. One advantage however to being a mechanic is an advanced knowledge of cars, a subject [...]

The College Process: Why so Challenging?

The following is a fictional conversation between a mother and her junior in high school daughter, but it may seem awfully familiar. Mother: Alright kiddo, it’s time to start discussing college so we can figure out how we are going to pay for your education. Student: But I’m not sure what I want to do or where I want to go, how am I supposed [...]

Finding the Best Resource for Financial Aid Planning

Within our business, we constantly hear concerns from families about their struggles to fund the cost of college. Unfortunately, given the yearly increases to these brutal college prices, this difficulty will not soon go away. As in any difficult situation however, parents can ease their burden by understanding the value that comes from seeki [...]

Financial Aid: Going All In

In today’s world of distractions, parents have the dubious task of trying to focus young people with heads in smart phones, iPad’s and whatever else just came out yesterday. As new technologies evolve, the challenge becomes greater but ultimately it is parents that need to instill character-building qualities in their children. One important [...]


As you already know, college is expensive! Many families across the country are kept awake at night struggling to figure out how they will afford to put their kids through college. If you are one of the lucky few that are financially secure for such an expenditure, you may be certain that you will not qualify for financial aid. You may ask yo [...]