Posts tagged Financial Aid

Maximizing Financial Aid and Scholarships: Navigating FAFSA and More

Maximizing Financial Aid
For families preparing to send a child to college, navigating the complex financial aid process can feel overwhelming. From filling out forms to understanding what aid is available, it’s easy to feel lost. However, with the right guidance, you can maximize the financial aid and scholarships your child receives and make college more affo [...]

Do you really NEED to apply for financial aid?

We have additional posts explaining the depths of college financial aid (here) but we wanted to answer one common question very simply…. do you NEED to apply for financial aid? Yes! Let us explain… We encourage all families to apply for financial aid for at least the first year of college. After the student decides which coll [...]

Why You Should Apply for Financial Aid, Even if You Can Afford College

Why You Should Apply for Financial Aid, Even if You Can Afford College
As you already know, college is expensive! Many families across the country are kept awake at night struggling to figure out how they will afford to put their kids through college. If you are one of the lucky few that are financially secure for such an expenditure, you may be certain that you will not qualify for financial aid. You may ask yo [...]

Beware of Financial Aid Deadlines

Beware of Financial Aid Deadlines
I recently met with a family who was extremely frustrated by the lack of money that they received from the school that their daughter was going to attend. The student scored a 33 on the ACT Test, however she was awarded zero dollars in financial aid. She was attending a state school and therefore a 33 should have been more than enough to re [...]

Financial Aid Award Negotiations Tips

We have put together three quick tips to help you understand financial aid award negotiations. Tip #1: Understand the Principle Terms for Negotiation Before a negotiation can take place, it is first necessary to review the SAR or Student Aid Report which indicates the EFC or Expected Family Contribution. This number when coupled with the scho [...]

Myth of the Availability of Merit-Based Aid

College recruiters are in a sense like parents of small children. In order to get their children to behave, act in a certain manner or perform a sometimes very simple task, an award is offered. Take away the award and many children, through no fault of their own, are less likely to follow directions or put their best foot forward. College re [...]

The College Process: Why So Challenging?

The following is a fictional conversation between a mother and her junior in high school daughter, but it may seem awfully familiar. Mother: Alright kiddo, it’s time to start discussing college so we can figure out how we are going to pay for your education. Student: But I’m not sure what I want to do or where I want to go, how am I supposed [...]